Pipe Features
Ductile iron pipe is furnished with the standard cement-mortar lining for most applications. In addition, special linings are also available for special applications.

Ductile iron pipes is natural, safe, and sustainable. The iron in Ductile iron pipe contains a minimum average content of 90% recycled iron and steel, with the pipes themselves being 100% recyclable.
Joints & Fittings
Ductile iron pipe is furnished with several different types of joints, including proprietary restrained joints, including those for use where seismic conditions are a possibility and for Horizontal Directional Drilling applications. In addition, a wide variety of standard fittings are available that simplify installation without requiring special orders.
Ductile iron pipe is manufactured in 18- or 20-foot nominal laying lengths and 3- through 64-inch diameters in a range of standard pressure classes.
Inside Pipe Diameter
Ductile iron pipe’s larger than nominal inside diameters, combined with the smooth flow surface of the standard cement-mortar lining, offers substantial savings on pumping costs over the life of the pipeline.