Member Companies
DIPRA is a non-profit association supported by all Ductile iron pressure pipe manufacturers in North America.
While DIPRA member companies have different names and locations, they share a common commitment to produce and deliver the finest quality water and wastewater pipe material in the world: Ductile iron pipe.
DIPRA member companies together represent 650 years worth of experience in applied research and manufacturing.

AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe
P.O. Box 2727
Birmingham, AL 35202-2727
- Phone

Canada Pipe Company, LTD.
55 Frid St. Unit #1
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4M3 Canada
- Phone
- Fax

McWane Ductile
P.O. Box 6001
Coshocton, OH 43812-6001
- Phone
- Fax

U.S. Pipe
Two Chase Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Birmingham, AL 35244
- Phone