With an anticipated service life of 100+ years, Ductile iron pipe is the most cost-effective material over a pipeline’s service life vs other materials.
The Value of a Clean & Reliable Water Infrastructure System
Water is a lifeline for not just clean drinking water but for the health and safety of all citizens. Water is an essential economic resource for businesses, farmers, first responders and so many others across all communities.
A disruption of water and wastewater service, even for one day, can cost businesses significant revenue. The American Society of Civil Engineers states that a water main break occurs in the U.S. every two minutes with an estimated 6 billion gallons of treated water lost each day—enough to fill over 9,000 swimming pools.
Clean water is critical to protect public health and to ensure hospitals, first responders, and frontline workers have access to the services necessary to keep America healthy.
Additionally, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, hand washing is the first line of defense in keeping communities and individuals safe.
Your Leader's Responsibility
Local Choice
It is vital that local, state and Congressional leaders:
- Invest in both the immediate and long-term needs of water and wastewater.
- Allow local material selection decisions to remain at the local level as water utilities and their engineers understand their local conditions better than anyone. The decisions they make directly impact the communities they serve.

Testimonial: Strength and Reliability of Ductile Iron Pipe
Water utilities across the country agree that Ductile iron pipe has proven to be the strongest and most reliable pipe option.
Local Control
Safeguard the ability for professionals to make the best decisions for water infrastructure.
Infographic: Cost of Failure
See how a water disruption impacts a community both in cost and timely disruption of service.
Take Action
Take steps to assist in protecting clean, reliable water infrastructure.