The Value of Ductile Iron Pipe
With an anticipated service life of 100+ years, Ductile iron pipe is the most cost-effective material over a pipeline’s service life vs. other materials.
Material Production Costs
The production phase involves costs for raw material extraction, pipe production and pipe transportation.

When assessing the full value of your pipe selection, you should consider:
Installation Costs
The installation phase involves the operational costs of the necessary equipment as well as the cost of any bedding material required for installation of each pipe material.
Operation and Maintenance Costs
The operation and maintenance phase involves the costs associated with pumping as well as performing repairs and regular maintenance activities over the 100+ year design life.
End of Life
Once a pipe reaches the end of its service life, it can either be exhumed for future uses, such as recycling or disposal, or it can be abandoned in place.
Lower Maintenance Costs
Ductile iron pipe offers greater reliability with less maintenance.
The projected service life for modern Ductile iron pipe is 100+ years.
Lower Pumping Costs
Ductile iron pipe offers larger inside diameter with lower pumping costs.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Contact your DIPRA Regional Engineer for access to the calculator.
"We have done some cost analysis and looked at what our costs are for maintenance, inspection, locating, and we believe ductile iron is the cheapest way to go. You look over the lifetime of the material."