Funding for Water Infrastructure Included in Bipartisan Budget Agreement
Feb 9, 2018
'...it is critical that they look beyond roads and bridges and maintain a focus on water and wastewater infrastructure that generally lies buried, and as such, often out of sight and mind.'
Golden, CO – Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association President Patrick J. Hogan released the following statement regarding infrastructure project funding that is included in the federal budget agreement. This bipartisan agreement includes $20 billion for rural water and wastewater, clean and safe drinking water, rural broadband, energy, innovative capital projects, and surface transportation.
“The investment in water infrastructure will help provide for the continued health, safety, and economic growth of our communities. As our leaders further deliberate on the specifics of infrastructure spending, it is critical that they look beyond roads and bridges and maintain a focus on water and wastewater infrastructure that generally lies buried, and as such, often out of sight and mind.”
About DIPRA: Founded in 1915, the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association (DIPRA) has served as a resource and technical advisor to the water industry. DIPRA also provides representation on standards-making committees as well as technical research on a variety of applications-based topics. While DIPRA member companies have different names and locations, they share a common commitment to produce and deliver the finest quality water and wastewater pipe material in the world, Ductile Iron Pipe, and at the greatest possible value to its purchasers.