The problems of plastic aren’t limited to pipes. Plastics manufacturers around the globe are struggling with consumer demands that there be less of their products in everyday lives.
When the first cars were put up for sale, the joke was that people could buy it in any color — so long as that color was black. Today, you can go online and find a car truly in any color you want, analyze its specifications against similar models, conduct cost-comparisons among dealerships, buy with a click and even have it delivered right to your doorstep. Clothes, furniture, household decorations, office supplies, fitness equipment — you name it, you can find it online, do research and make comparisons, and buy with a click.
Consumers today have an almost overwhelming number of choices when it comes to their purchases. The real determining factors of what is bought tend to be quality and cost. While there are thousands of options when it comes to buying dishes or sheets, the choices get much narrower when government agencies are looking for materials to fill potholes, build bridges or update water systems.
It may sound like a stretch to compare consumer choices to government purchases, but the same concept applies to both: choices in products, and the ability to compare materials for quality and cost. Consumers — and in the government’s case, taxpayers — should know their communities are getting the top materials for the job while returning the best investment.